
Moontide Design is happy to provide an estimate for any graphic design project you have in mind. Project estimates are based on an hourly rate and informed by the current market and the cost of similar services offered in the area. A quoted price may not include costs incurred by further revisions or requests for additional project-related design elements. Please refer to our Terms for more information about the design process.

Hourly Rate

Moontide Design’s hourly rate is $75/hour.

Consultation Fee

A consultation fee of $35 is charged for the following:

  • In-person meetings lasting longer than 30 minutes

  • Requests for the retrieval of design files for previously completed projects

  • Work orders taking less than 30 minutes to complete

Print management fee

A print management fee of $35 is charged upon the request of a client for Moontide Design to communicate with a third-party entity on behalf of the client.

resource fee

When Moontide Design is hired to order materials from a third party on behalf of a client, a resource fee of 15% of passthrough cost is charged. A passthrough cost is the price charged by the third party and includes shipping and handling fees.